
"This ministry is dedicated to creating spaces of convergence—where theological depth, spiritual reflection, and creative innovation meet to serve the Kingdom. The Story Ministry Studio is not another program but a pilgrimage—a sacred, collaborative space where leaders, ministries, and congregations rediscover testimony as a central practice of discipleship.”

Dr. Ken Boa
Reflections Ministries
Museum of Created Beauty

“Todd has not merely identified a problem—he is intentionally working on solutions. Just as we challenge givers to invest their resources for Kingdom impact, Todd is calling on the Body of Christ to invest their testimonies for eternal significance. This is not about storytelling for storytelling’s sake; it is about discipleship, evangelism, and ensuring that the legacy of God’s work is not lost but multiplied. Todd Miechiels is a faithful steward of this vision. I’ve watched God work in and through him for almost 15 years, and I wholeheartedly endorse Story Ministry Studio as an initiative worthy of attention, support, and participation. May we be found faithful in stewarding not just our wealth, but also our time, and our witness.”

Boyd Bailey
National Christian Foundation
Wisdom Hunters

"When people tell the story about how they came to know Jesus and how their life has been changed by knowing Jesus, they're the most powerful stories there are... and it's a shame that as a church, we aren't particularly good at capturing and stewarding those stories. This vision is important, and is becoming more an more a reality."

John Hanger
Biblio Nexus

“One of the best ways for believers to encourage one another is through the sharing of stories. It takes courage to live the Christian life Jesus has called us to, and we gain courage by hearing others stories. This ministry helps people find courage and hope in quite remarkable ways. Their steadfast commitment to help other ministries and churches in this area has been quite remarkable to witness.”

Bill Williams
Former CEO of National Christian Foundation
and Generous Giving

“Like many, I’ve had a front row seat to God’s Holy Spirit birthing some incredibly large movements around obvious and important problems or opportunities (e.g., global prayer initiatives, a call to outreach, collaborating for church multiplication). I’ve come to realize something less obvious, but no less important. Why couldn’t the next great movement of God’s Spirit occur through leaders (God’s Church) becoming open and available to story stewardship: A catalyst for spiritual movements everywhere, transforming lives, institutions and our world. “

Greg Stoughton
Cru, Leader Impact

“Stewarding personal stories is one of the greatest opportunities to share the gospel—impact is high, and the resources required are few.  Todd can help establish the framework to spark the flame.”

Payton Mayes
CEO, JPI Companies

“I’ve been a believer and supporter in this ministry for several years and frankly have been amazed how God has done so much through them with very little operational infrastructure and support. I can only imagine what God could do with this vision through a commitment towards investing in capacity and systems.”

Kevin Malone
Director of Operations, Chick-Fil-A

I am forever grateful to this ministry for encouraging and supporting me in stewarding my testimony. More than 15 years later, people still reach out after discovering my story online, opening the door to meaningful conversations about faith. The difference is striking—when someone has seen my testimony, our first conversation naturally goes deeper, creating an immediate connection around what truly matters. I wholeheartedly encourage others to invest their time and resources into furthering the ministry Todd started so many years ago. He has remained steadfast in the vision God entrusted to him, and the impact continues to grow."

Scott MacLellan
Chairman Emeritus, TouchPoint Support Services

Todd Miechiels the Story Ministry Studio are redefining the way we experience the power of storytelling. In a world saturated with noise, this ministry stands out by crafting narratives that don’t just inform, but transform.

Todd’s vision is clear: to awaken souls, challenge perspectives, and inspire action through the undeniable power of story. This ministry is making a profound impact, illuminating truth in a world that desperately needs it. I wholeheartedly endorse Todd and the Story Ministry Studio—because stories change lives, and this ministry is proving it every day.

Bruce Witt
Leadership Revolution

“Leaders who are willing to be authentic and vulnerable are all too rare in the Church. I believe if pastors knew how encouraged, as well as non-judgmental their congregations would be, they would more openly do it to help others. This initiative is a huge step in helping with this issue.”

Ford Taylor
Transformational Leadership

“This ministry gets Christians out of the pews and onto the battlefield.”

Walt Wilson (Rest in Peace)
Global Media Outreach

“Helping men who love Jesus have the opportunity to memorialize and share their story in such a wonderful way is one of the best ministry investments I’ve ever made.”

Regi Campbell (Rest in Peace)
Founder, Radical Mentoring

"I'm a huge believer in this story ministry. I have seen first hand how it helps draw people closer to Jesus, and each other."

Fritz Weise
Pastor, Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran

“Sharing your story authentically, from the heart, is one of the best ways to evangelize and spark interest in another person to come to know Jesus...this ministry could be the perfect answer."

Most Reverend Michael J. Byrnes
Retired Auxiliary Bishop
Archdiocese of Detroit